round corners
The National Academy of Fine Art Oslo

I tought at the The National Academy of Fine Art in Oslo in May and November 2004 and in November 2006.
Seminar/workshop "audio vs. visual"

week 46 (Tuesday 14th November - Friday 17th November 2006)
Room 309

The workshop consisted of group discussions and personal tutorials.
The aim of the workshop was the further development of audio-visual student projects.

In May 2004 I gave a lecture on 'The Art of Hacking – or: Communication Guerrilla as Artistic Practice with New Media' and a presentation of selected video art pieces of last year's transmediale festival during which we discussed both the aesthetics and exhibition formats of the works. Moreover I had individual tutorials with the students.
 The text of the lecture 'The Art of Hacking' as download (66.5 KB)
In the seminar in November 04 we examined 'The language of interactive art':
In this workshop we investigated the qualities of interactivity in electronic art. It provided basic knowledge about the modes of operation of interactive art and the implications of actively involving audiences and environments.

The late 80’s and 90’s birthed a variety of strongly interactive works, thus defining both the patterns and language of interactivity. Admittedly, this quest for new models of art experience has since showed signs of slowing. Interactivity is now understood as only one quality of electronic art among others, instead of being the predominant.

The workshop helped students to decide whether and how they should implement interactivity in their own work. Even for those who don’t want to produce interactive work, the workshop provided helpful knowledge about the spatial and temporal aspects of electronic art works, especially installation art.
The critical review of historic pieces of interactive art helped the students to avoid the conceptual mistakes that their predecessors made.
Last but not least, they learned tools and strategies to communicate their own work and gain practice to describe, analyse and contextualise artistic work.

While the sessions from Tuesday to Thursday were a mixture of my presentations and discussion, on Friday, at the end of the workshop, the participants gave a critical analysis either of one of their own (not necessarily interactive) pieces that already exists or of a concept for a piece.

15 Nov 04
Monday evening:
Lecture: Construction and deconstruction as modes of activity in interactive art
16 Nov 04
Tuesday afternoon session, 14 - 16 h:
General modes and qualities of media art
17 Nov 04
Wednesday morning session, 10 – 12 h:
The history of the interface in interactive art
18 Nov 04
Thursday morning session, 10 – 12 h:
Exhibiting interactive art: environments and audiences
19 Nov 04
Friday session, 10 h – end
Students’ presentations