The following published English texts are available on this website. Please click on the menu left for abstracts and downloads.
The temporal and spatial design of video and film based installation art in the 60s and 70s, their inherent perception processes and effects on the perceivers’ actions
published in:
The Mobile Audience. Media Art and Mobile Technologies. Rieser, Martin (Ed.) Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2011, XV, 481 pp.
With an Introduction by Howard Rheingold.
Hb: 978-90-420-3127-2.
Segmentation and Reassembly of the Digital Moving Image
An artistic method of depiction of temporal and spatial nonlinearity
published online in: ISEA 2004 (details will come soon)
Space-Time Correlations Focused in Film Objects and Interactive Video
published in: ISEA Papers, Nagoya/Japan 2002.
Slighly changed, this text was also published in: Future Cinema.The Cinematic Imaginary after Film. Edited by Peter Weibel, MIT Press, 2003.
For the full list of English and German publications please go to the detailed CV.
Media Surfaces - Mediatecture as integral part of architecture and identity supporting scheme in public space
Published in Arch+, Nr 180, Convertible City, Sept 2006, official exhibition catalogue of the German Pavillion at the 10th Bienale of Architecture in Venice, Italy.
in German only by Susanne Jaschko and Joachim Sauter