round corners
The temporal and spatial design of video and film based installation art in the 60s and 70s, their inherent perception processes and effects on the perceivers’ actions

The topic of this investigation is the temporal and spatial creation of primarily cinematic and video installations of the late 1960s and early 1970s. The starting point is installation works by Steina and Woody Vasulka, which are put into context with installation works of their contemporaries.
Essential characteristics of this first decade of spatial work in video and film will are demonstrated, especially with regard to the role of the recipients in the overall conception of the artistic works. The special kinds of integration of the recipients in the artwork are also examined with regard to participatory and performative aspects of contemporary media works.

This paper was developed during a residency fellowship in 2005 at the Daniel Langlois Foundation. In addition to the edited and published English paper an unedited German version is available on request.
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